[Januar 10 - 12, 2025jugglingXborders - Flensburg

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Registriert: 15. Dez 2021, 19:31

jugglingXborders - Flensburg

Beitrag von simon »

This convention is gonna be a cooperation between the "weltencon"-team and the DJC (danish juggling convention). It will be bilingual at least, in a beautiful school in Flensburg.

Please be aware, that there will be no tickets at the door - so if you want to come, please book a ticket in advance. It helps us a lot to plan and prepare a great weekend!

Spread the word!!!


Ritterstraße 27, 24939 Flensburg
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro - HST

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@ hoschy « Do 12:05 pm »
Hmm der Chat scheint zu buggen :(
@ simon « Do 12:50 pm »

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